Shh...Did you hear that? It was the sound of my priorities shifting.

17 February 2007

Out With You, Moody Dispair!

I have been inexplicably sad this week and I'm sick of it. There is just no reason for that kind of thing (unless it's some sort of retribution from the universe for that last entry I posted...sorry universe!). I was so deep in my blues yesterday that I cried for an hour! And nothing was really wrong! What a waste of energy!

Anyway, I picked up the latest copy of The Stranger (love!) and was elated to see my horoscope. Here's what it said:

PISCES: (Feb 19-March 20): I believe you're climbing up of the primordial ooze for the last time. You're done! Never again will you be fully immersed in the stinky depths of hell on earth! Never again will moody despair comprise more than 49 percent of your worldview. From now on, you will be smarter about how to avoid unnecessary pain and misery. You will also be a better escape artist. Now go buy yourself a graduation present.

How exciting is that? Now I just have to decide whether to buy:

  • a pony.
  • a new house with exposed beams where I can hang a trapeze.
  • the world a Coke, OR
  • some performance-related self-esteem.

Hooray for learning to avoid pain and misery! It's a brand new day!

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