Shh...Did you hear that? It was the sound of my priorities shifting.

03 February 2007

Grand Opening!

Welcome to my new home, bitches!

I started this blog about a week ago after unceremoniously leaving my former blog host, and I've kept it under wraps so far because I was feeling it out, making sure I had enough to say to warrant an attempt to get people to read it, moving my stuff in, doing some interior know, the usual.

Now I'm all settled and I think I really like it here. So enjoy! Pull up a chair! Help yourselves to whatever's in the fridge! Hang out as long as you'd like!

Don't worry! I'm not usually this liberal with exclamation points!

While you're looking around, take a gander at this list!

What Did I Almost Call This Blog? (Dude, don't judge)
  • Listapalooza
  • Welcome to the Gunshow
  • Tink's List-O-Rama
  • ..........plink..........
  • You are all out of control. Thank you.
  • WHAM!
  •'s what's for dinner.
  • Lists...the other white meat.


I'm VERY happy with what I settled on, considering the above alternatives (ugh). The list thing, you should know, is a button I'll be pushing with every post, hence the references to them in many of the names I considered (okay, seriously? I'm not that much of a dork. I considered those names for, like, five seconds). The lists will be something to hang your hats on, if you will.

Yay new blog! I hope you like it a whole lot!


Em said...

hey lyss!
so completely understand the whole marking of papers! that must suck, i hated writing them so i thnk i would hate grading them!! Rock on to the circus in your pocket..very cool!!

Claire Cantwell said...

Yay! Welcome back!

And hey--our backgrounds match!

nickhellrung said...

I can't believe you almost used my MySpace quote for the name of your blog! Haha!

I love the name you decided on, it totally rocks!

Alyssa said...

Claire, it's good to be back, and I totally didn't mean to copy your background. I had never looked at your costume blog before! But that's cute that we match!

Nick, that whole, "You are all out of control" thing slays me every time I see it, probably because I can see you saying it and it makes it even funnier. It didn't really work for my blog, though.

I KNOW! YOU should write a blog with that name and it could be all about the guests at Disney! Not all of the guests, of course, only the funny/stupid/outraged ones. Pure gold, that!