Shh...Did you hear that? It was the sound of my priorities shifting.

19 June 2007

Sooooo sick.

Holy jeez, you guys. I am hella sick right now. In fact, I've been sick since about our second or third day here. My throat feels like it's on fire, I can't breathe, my head feels funny...the nurse even came to my cabin to check on me this morning. She says it's probably a virus which is great (yay! I don't have strep!) but also shitty (boo! I can't just take antibiotics and get better!).

What really sucks is that the rest of the counselors arrive this afternoon. So I have to meet my brand new staff while I'm all croaky and sniffly. And it hurts to talk.

I did get to go do a lot of work on the circus lot yesterday, despite being ill. I solved a rigging problem and got the fly net almost usable and did some other little jobs that needed to be done. I hung a web and later a trapeze and played around on them for a bit (I was actually checking to make sure my rigging solution works--it does), so that was nice, considering I haven't been in the air for almost a week.

Chrissymine has been busy beautifying our cabin. She painted the walls and the trim, and yesterday we laid down peel-and-stick tile that actually looks really great and should be easier to clean than the gross, unfinished wooden floor underneath it.

Our friend LilAnna got here yesterday, too, so it's been nice to catch up with her. I love it when everyone starts showing up and we get to see our old friends again. That's why being sick sucks so much. I want to be out there all excited and hugging people and chatting, but I can't really do that when my whole body hurts and I can't breathe. I just hope I'm better by the time the kids get here on Sunday!

1 comment:

nickhellrung said...


What the hack are you doing getting sick? LAME

How fun is it that you are juicing up the cabin. "pimp my cabin" came to town, huh? Exciting.

I wish I could come out to visit this year! It is so great up there!

I am a poo-head for not working out there.

FEEL BETTER SOON! Yayy for you writing blogs! =)