Shh...Did you hear that? It was the sound of my priorities shifting.

09 May 2007

Read this blog

In its two most recent editions, The Stranger has featured selected entries from Jesus Christ's (Cool) Blog in its "New Column" spot. I just found out that this is an actual blog that's updated almost daily. It's hilariously inane and you should totally check it out. I mean it. It's god's will.

Jesus Christ's Cool Blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm Jesus Christ has the funniest damn blog ever. (excuse my french) Really. I am so glad you brought this to my attention. Seriously, we read this aloud to each other in the studio daily and it has raised the fun to a whole new level. (If you can call working 7 days a week in a stuffy little room fun.)
I now have a daily craving for quizno's and a strange need to fall in love with my dentist. It will have to wait because first I want to feed fruit stripe gum to a goat and see what happens.